Rental Products

Inert UV and Excimer Rental Products


In order to test our products within your production environment and to familiarize yourself with the system, we offer an assortment of different Rental units with inert chamber:


Excimer Rental systems with a length of irradiation of:


Excimer and / or UV Hg lamp with its own conveyor belt:

  • 600mm

Installation Service


On request, we will take the equipment at your premises and train your staff in its operation. We can easily make minor adjustments for specific installation conditions in our own workshop.

Care of the tests

If necessary, one of our staff members can support you during your tests on your site.

IOT GmbH Leipzig

Innovative Surface Technologies


UV - Technik
Plasma- und Ionenstrahltechnik


IOT Innovative Oberflächentechnologien GmbH
Wissenschaftspark Leipzig, Gebäude 33.0
Permoserstraße 15

04318 Leipzig
Phone +49 341 23823 100 
Fax +49 341 23823 199